
The Bible is clear – giving is an important part of being a Christian; it is part of being a follower of Jesus Christ and because it is so, we want to encourage every member of St Luke’s to give regularly for the ministry of the Church.

Some of us have learned to give sacrificially and generously; if that is you then the staff at St Luke’s want to say ‘thank you’!

Others of us would love to give more but for whatever reason, times are hard and the loss of a job or a change in financial circumstance means that for now, we are giving as much as we are able.

For others, well perhaps there is more that we can do. Maybe we have set up a standing order some time ago and haven’t reviewed the amount we give. Perhaps we are new to the church and haven’t yet considered this important principle or maybe we just need to refocus our priorities.

Give to St Luke’s today!

St Luke’s Finances

All of our ministry, in Wimbledon Park and further afield, is entirely reliant on the giving of our church members. There is no external funding or central support.

Each month we have to pay the diocese money to cover not only the cost of our own vicar but also a percentage of the costs of running the diocese as well clergy in churches where for whatever reason they are unable to meet the full costs themselves.

We also have to pay for the upkeep of the church building and the significant insurance, lighting and heating costs.

These combined expenditure items means that we often have to draw on our reserves as our expenditure exceeds our income.

Your Giving Counts

Every contribution counts and so we would encourage all members to regularly review their current giving and consider increasing their support. Giving financial support for our local church is an important and accessible way to express our gratitude to God for our saviour, his Son, Jesus Christ.

The most helpful way to help St Luke’s financially, is to set up a standing order with your bank.

You can set up a standing order using your online or telephone banking. Bank account details can be found by emailing the church office at

Please download the Gift Aid Declaration form if you are a UK taxpayer. Please complete it and return it to the church office so that we can increase the value of your gift by reclaiming the basic rate tax on your gift from HM Revenue and Customs.

For further information and to return your Gift Aid Declaration form, please contact our Giving Secretary, via the church office.